• What is the purpose of the Scarborough Education Foundation?

    SEF seeks to enhance academic excellence in Scarborough public schools, primarily by making funding available to teachers to fund innovative and creative programs and initiatives.

  • Where does the funding for the Scarborough Education Foundation come from?

    SEF solicits donations from individuals and businesses. Fundraising events such as the annual Community Spelling Bee also provide support for the Foundation. Other sources of fundraising are always under consideration such as seeking grants from larger foundations or businesses that support education.

  • How can I support SEF?

    Donations in any amount are always welcome and can be made online by clicking on the PayPal button on the left side of each page. SEF utilizes PayPal to securely process online payments with a credit or debit card. This is a fast and easy way to support SEF. See our Donate page for more info.

  • How can I get involved?

    SEF is a community oriented organization and is often looking for help with various fundraising events or from persons with particular skills to help with committee projects. Please use the Volunteer Survey Form if you wish to offer your talents and skills to the Foundation.

  • Does the Scarborough Education Foundation design or identify programs to be introduced in the schools?

    SEF does not propose specific programs or initiatives for any of the district’s schools or teachers. SEF makes funding available to support innovative and creative ideas that teachers develop or discover and wish to implement in their classroom/instructional activities?

  • What is the relationship between the Scarborough Education Foundation and the School District?

    While SEF seeks to partner with the School District for a shared vision of academic excellence, the Foundation is an independent organization and is governed by its own board of directors. All initiatives proposed to SEF must be in line with the District’s curriculum goals.

  • What is the difference between SEF and the Parent-Teacher organizations?

    The two primary differences between SEF and these organizations are as follows: SEF supports all phases and schools across the district from grades K-12, and SEF funding must be used to support programs and initiatives that relate to academic instruction. SEF’s goal is to work in conjunction and cooperation with the existing parent-teacher organizations.

  • Who can apply for a grant and how does the process work?

    Grant applications can be submitted by any employee of the Scarborough School District.

    Please visit our Grants page for more information and to download the forms and guidelines necessary for submitting an application.

  • For more information

    Please email us at